our Brighton shop IS CLOSED from MONDAY 3rd - FRIDAY 7th February, back open on SATURDAY 8th

SW Honey Farms Sponsorship

In January of this year, Brighton Silver became the proud sponsors of a local Bee hive at SW Honey Farms.  Established in 2019 by Stuart Weekes, SW Honey Farms is a family run business located in West Sussex.  Starting with just 10 hives they now have apiaries all across the Sussex coast from Worthing to Chichester.

Update 17th June 2022

So far on the bee farm it has been a very busy May/June. With the bees wanting to swarm any chance they get and bringing loads of spring honey, they have finally calmed down a bit and are enjoying a little rest before the summer honey begins which it looks like it is about to start already!  

The spring honey extraction is now in full swing! Once the honey frames are taken from the hive it goes to the extraction room where the team uncap it and put it into a spinner to spin the honey out and extract it into containers.  After all the honey has been extracted it is then ready to be jarred. 

The honey source is from three different sources - horse chestnut, oil seed rape and cherry blossom. It has a very nice light yet punchy flavour.

Find out more at swhoneyfarms.com
