our Brighton shop IS CLOSED from MONDAY 3rd - FRIDAY 7th February, back open on SATURDAY 8th

Environmental Causes - Charity

Here at Brighton Silver we are committed to continually reducing our carbon footprint and environmental impact. We use renewable energy for our premises, cycle or walk to work and do not ship our products outside of the UK.  To date we have donated close to £12,300, thanks to you, our customers.

In 2019 we purchased 3 acres of Rain Forest in Columbia, funded the planting of 60 trees and in early 2020 we became a corporate sponsor of the charity World Land Trust, During the 2020 COVID situation we still managed to donate at least 1% of our revenues to this organisation. This helps fund the conservation of the world’s most biologically significant and threatened habitats. Through the generous support of individuals and organisations, the World Land Trust has been instrumental in the purchase and protection of over 881,000 acres of tropical forest and other threatened habitats which would otherwise have been lost. To learn more about World Land Trust and to find out how you can help too visit www.worldlandtrust.org

World Land Trust Banner

As of the 11th May 2021, we have been certified by the World Land Trust as a carbon neutral business (our net carbon emissions are zero or negative). We do this by using renewable energy suppliers, carbon off-setting for all business related travel and ensuring that we can reduce our carbon footprint in every way possible. In addition to this, in 2021 we have planted 150 trees locally in Sussex, over a two hectare area. 

World Land Trust Logo

All our team members have access to a cycle scheme which provides a bicycle free of charge for the commute to and from work and we’re pleased to announce that every team member now cycles or walks to our premises eliminating the use of private and public transport.

Our electricity is provided by a green energy supplier and our business trips and stock deliveries are carbon offset through our charitable donations.

We’ve worked with our suppliers and sourced brand new environmentally friendly packaging through UK based suppliers and you can rest assured that any sale made through our Website will arrive in re-usable and recyclable, plastic free packaging.

Read our Good Causes Blog Here.